Being an artist in the kitchen: Vitreaux potato chips

14 02 2011

As you might have already gathered from this blog, I absolutely love to cook. And browsing the internet the other day I found this very attractive recipe. I decided to prepare it for my hubby for V day but it didn’t work out. In the first place I had a really hard time getting those super thin slices, I did slice my fingers too! And then the potatoes got burnt when I followed their directions… so of course I had to modify the recipe and make it my own 🙂


– 2 Potatoes (I used red skin, but you can use whatever you rather to bake)

Vitreaux potato chips. Good looking and delicious!

– Herb leafs or sprigs (anything you’d like, I used rosemary and sage because that is what I had)

– Olive oil

– Salt

– Oil spray


Slice the potatoes super thin with a sharp knife. Two to three millimeters would be ideal, but slice them as thin as you can. Press the juices out with a paper towel and let sit for 5 minutes.

Place aluminium foil on a baking pan or cookie sheet, leaving half of it out of the tray, and spray oil on it. Then place the potato slices on the foil.

“Paint” the potatoes with olive oil and place a leaf or sprig of any herb you choose on top of it, then plaint again, covering the leaf too. Sprinkle salt on top.

Fold the foil covering the slices and place another cooking tray or cookie sheet on top, add some weight, you can use a baking bowl.

Place in the oven at 400F for 15 minutes. Retire from the oven and carefully remove the foil. If any slice is still soft and white-ish place in the oven for 5 more minutes until golden and crispy.

Prop your potatoes on a plate, you will need something to keep the potatoes up so you can display your pretty art! You could use rice grains, coffee beans, large salt crystals, anything that tickles your fancy!

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful yet simple recipe! Flavor wise, my favourite so far is rosemary, which is yours?

Recipes: Sweet oatmeal pancakes

29 04 2010

Every once in a while I get sweet cravings, who doesn’t? And I would rather eat something relatively healthy instead of Debbie cakes. I am not the biggest fan of pancakes but I like them quite a bit, and I have been fiddling around with recipes to make them healthier and yummier 🙂 I want to share my recipe with you!


Sweet oatmeal pancakes.

2 cups of oats

2 cups of milk

2 eggs

1/2 cup of multipurpose flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1 dash of salt

1/4 cup sugar

oil spray for the pan.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and pour 1/2 ladle full of mix into the pan. Cook until golden brown.


Caloric content: The whole mix is about 1,300 calories, so if you make about 10 pancakes, each one will be only 130 cal, which is about or less than a cereal bar. Not bad! 🙂

Serving suggestion: You can match these delicious pancakes with berries and apricot jelly. I like Smucker’s simply fruit (only 40 calories per tablespoon!).

I also freeze them individually in ziplock bags, so when I am hungry or needing a sweet fix I pull one out of the freezer and into the microwave.


